AT&T vs Verizon iPhone Comparison features

On February 14, 2011

Since iPhone 4 CDMA version has released, there are lot of iPhone 4 review and also comparison between AT&T (GSM) and Verizon Wireless (CDMA) iPhone 4. Apple posted detailed comparison chart between GSM and CDMA versions of iPhone on their website

These phone features behave differently based on whether you are using a GSM or CDMA network:

* Call forwarding
* Call waiting
* Caller ID
* Conference calls
* Inserting pauses when dialing
* Hold

The GSM version of the iPhone supports up to five calls simultaneously for conference calling, whereas the CDMA version of the iPhone only supports up to two calls simultaneously conference calling. Apple also notes that CDMA networks may not be able to add, swap, or merge calls in certain situations. Verizon iPhone unable to handle call swapping. It means you will not be able to take one of your conference callers on private, like on the AT&T iPhone. Also, when you touch “End Call” button, both calls will automatically hang up. It might not bother most people, but it’s a true killer for consumers and business users alike.

This comparison chart solely focuses on how the GSM and CDMA versions of the iPhone handle calls.

iPhone GSM and AT&T Comparison features

Additional Information

When using an iPhone 4 (CDMA model), you may notice the following differences:

* Contacts or phone numbers on webpages that contain alphabetic characters beyond seven digits may not dial as expected. In these instances, either remove the additional letters or use a pause to dial the extension (555-1212,1234).
– Example: 1-800-MY-IPHONE or 555-1212×1234

* The following settings and features are not available on iPhone 4 (CDMA model):
– Enabling a SIM PIN
– Importing SIM contacts
– Selecting a carrier network or editing an APN