The iPhone 5C release strategy doesn’t impress Apple buyers too much

On October 15, 2013


The launch of iPhone 5S and 5C brought an obvious and expected increase in the number of sold handsets by Apple, manufacturers reporting an increase by 10 percent of the number of parts ordered since September, the two models have limited availability. This year, Apple has decided to launch two phones in parallel, but how well received is the new iPhone 5C?

The first data on the number of new handsets Apple sold appeared shortly after launch, claiming that the ratio of iPhone models iPhone 5S and 5C is about 3:1. New figures published by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) states that the ratio between the two models was modified slightly to about 2.4:1, but these figures are not encouraging for Apple because it is a sign that the strategy of launching two models in parallel didn’t gave the expected results yet.

According to data analyzed by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, 64% of buyers chose Apple’s flagship iPhone 5S, while the new iPhone 5C drew only 27 percent and the cheapest iPhone 4S 8GB version drew 9 percent. This image is very close to that of last year when the iPhone 5 has attracted 68% of buyers, while older iPhone 4S and iPhone 4 models have attracted 23 and 9 percent.

While the market share of those who chose the cheapest Apple option has remained unchanged, the new iPhone 5C is not doing much better than the previous generation model that Apple has offered so far as intermediate option. Apple tried this year to offer a new product, even if it is in fact just last year’s model in a different colored casing but Apple customers did not seem too enthusiastic about this trick and have chose to share resembling those seen in previous years.

These data will change over time, intermediate sales and entry-level models increased faster than those of top models, reaching its peak in the summer, before launching autumn updates. Until then, preliminary figures suggest that Apple intention to launch a new phone that will attract buyers have not exploited masses, iPhone 5C having a similar performance to that of previous models.