New iOS apps: Loop – reinventing the customer-experience survey

On May 15, 2013

Loop, an app that allows customers to leave feedback on their overall experience at a business, plans to reinvent the entire customer experience survey by launching its “in the moment customer experience survey.”

So, how does it work? Loop allows users to leave feedback that is captured in real time. This in return, as the founder Rajit Marwah puts it, could see a business get up to 30 times more responses, compared to user-generated sites like Yelp and other traditional methods of generating feedback.

The importance of feedback especially to business cannot be and should not be understated. In order for any business to grow and improve on its products and service delivery, they need to get feedback from the customer, regardless of whether it’s positive or negative. Evidently, some of the traditional methods used like filling out of questionnaires are time consuming and not many customers, if any, take their time to fill those. This is where the Loop experience comes in. Loop, being a mobile app, allows users to take a very short (five questions) and interesting survey on the go.

At the moment, Loop is available in 34 languages and in 155 countries.

Loop [iTunes link]