The U.S. Government Is Testing A New Anti-Theft System On iOS 7

On July 21, 2013

Apple has implemented Activation Lock in iOS 7, which we have spoken a few time about it, completely blocking an iDevice system that has been stolen, if the owner activate this interface via Find My iPhone. The terminal will not ever be enabled without introducing Apple ID and password of the rightful owner, and the measure was introduced to pressure the U.S. government.

To test the effectiveness of this new system, the government gathered in New York some of the best security experts, asking them to break the Apple system, and that of Samsung.

While we are appreciative of the efforts made by Apple and Samsung to improve security of the devices they sell, we are not going to take them at their word. Today we will assess the solutions they are proposing and see if they stand up to the tactics commonly employed by thieves.

Security experts will try to exploit the system, just like thieves could do, and only in the course of today we’ll find out if they were successful or not.

iOS is not that hard to operate, and if a jailbreak solution is there then the  access to the operating system is very easy and Activation Lock may be removed in a few simple steps. Implementation of this system will force Apple to faster block the jailbreak solutions for iOS, so the fight will become fiercer in the future, especially as the U.S. government compels Apple to implement such systems.