App Update: White Noise

On October 11, 2008

I recently reviewed the app White Noise.

White Noise is one of the many background noise apps available currently in the App Store, but it was, in my opinion, the best of the bunch. 

Now that it has been updated to version 2.0 it is even better.

First off, the update brings 36 different available sounds (up from 24).

A new sound engine introduces pitch control and allows you to take the stock sounds and tweak them to your hearts delight.  Want waves to move slower or the wind to blow harder?  The pitch control makes it possible.  In addition, the balance also allows you to control both headphones and external speakers.

The new timer features allow you to;
-fade sound during the last minute
-set an alarm to go off at a designated time
-close the application at a set time to sand battery life.

Finally, the new controls make it even easier to use.

I have been using White Noise while falling asleep the last week or so and I can’t recommend it enough.

You can get it HERE in the App Store.