Can You Hear Me Now? Touch + Trufone = iVOiP!

On September 11, 2008

One of the things I am most anxious to see about the new iPod Touch is whether or not it can be used for VOiP.

Early suggestions that the added functionality of a line-in microphone might make VOiP possible (without any additional hardware or modifications) were confirmed this morning by Cult of Mac. And since TruPhone has already released an app for the iPhone the possibilitites are huge.


What a difference moving from 4 wires connecting to the headphone jack (in the first generation) to five wires (new model) makes.

This in and of itself opens amazing new possibilitites into the usability of the Touch and may make the arguement for upgrading from a first generation device much stronger.

You can be sure this is one of the first things we’ll be checking out when the new Touch arrives later today.

Now if I only saw Skype release an iPhone client I would be set.