Deus Ex: The Fall will blast into the App Store tomorrow [updated]

On July 10, 2013

Deus Ex The Fall

Update: Deus Ex: The Fall has just hit the App Store, a day early…

Following the footsteps of countless other popular console games, Deus Ex is all set to make its big entry to iOS. The next sequel to this hit RPG, Deus Ex: The Fall, will be launched in the App Store on Thursday, 11th July.

The world isn’t a better place as evil corporations and augmented humans strike terror. The game follows a soldier, Ben Saxon, in his action packed journey of battles, conspiracy and betrayal. Violence and blood is indispensable as you can show no mercy. With stunning graphics, animated conversations and strong story line, this FPS is surely worth the wait.

You can see the gameplay trailer of Deus Ex: The Fall below:

The game is developed by Square Enix in collaboration with the actual guys behind Deus Ex. So hopefully, we will be seeing a console quality gameplay and yet, optimized for touch controls.

If you have an iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod Touch 5 or higher, Deus Ex: The Fall can be yours on  Thursday for $6.99