eReader for iPhone Quick Tip
It’s no secret that I love having eReader on my iPhone and iPod Touch. I’ve already read a couple of books on both devices and have found it to be an enjoyable and convenient way to read. (Yes, if you are making the jump directly from dead-tree editions it may be an acquired taste.)
Today’s tip doesn’t have to do with the iPhone/iPod Touch app, but it WILL make your reading experience more pleasurable…or, at the least, less expensive.
If you purchase your eBooks from eReader you are CRAZY not to subscribe to their newsletter, since each week it includes a coupon for 10% off your purchases.
That’s a nice discount for doing nothing, but there is often, an even better deal to be had.
Fictionwise (which offers most books in the eReader format- a requirement by the eReader for the iPhone app), recently acquired eReader. Hence, Fictionwise is now maintaining both sites, yet pricing on them often differs for the same book. Check out the discounts available through their Buywise Club (membership begins at $29.95 per year) and rebates for credit card purchases.
If you’re an avid reader like me the savings can really add up!