iOS 7 Will Allow Us To Share Any File Via Bluetooth or WiFi!

On July 14, 2013

For years iDevice users ask Apple to implement the ability to share any kind of files via Bluetooth with any mobile devices and in iOS 7 the company responds to these claims and extent these demands by implementing AirDrop. The system will allow us to share files over WiFi or Bluetooth with any iDevice that is near us, although we can’t share everything that exists on our devices, at least not without doing a jailbreak before.

Available through the Control Center, or menu for sharing pictures/videos/links, etc, AirDrop will be a powerful tool for those who have jailbreak done on their devices. Using applications such as iFile, we may share any internal iOS documents with any iDevice and with other tweaks will be most likely to send files to other mobile terminals. If in the past it took Airblue Sharing or Celeste to perform this operation in iOS 7 is the file sharing system base, that only needs changed.

Developers will quickly find ways to allow interconnection between iDevice and other mobile devices to share files over Bluetooth and possibly WiFi since current iDevice have compatible chips with WiFi Direct technology. Basically in iOS 7 we will have freedoms to share anything, anytime, but only have a jailbreak done.