Mike Ash's Advanced Objective-C "Friday Q&A" Series

On April 8, 2009

Mike Ash, a programmer for Rogue Amoeba, the much respected Mac development house, publishes a weekly advanced Objective-C “Friday Q&A” feature on his blog.

This series, which features over a dozen entries so far, is a great resource for iPhone developers looking to jump from good upto great.

A few highlights from the series:

Intro to the Objective-C Runtime — I am not ashamed to admit that I didn’t know there was an Objective-C Runtime before reading this article.

Objective-C Messaging — Defines and describes the relationships between Methods, Messages, Selectors and sending a message. Most interesting is the peek-under-the-covers that shows how Objective-C methods end up being generated as straight-C functions.

Objective-C Message Forwarding — This piece shows what happens “when you do [foo bar] and foo doesn’t implement a bar method” and, more to the point, how you can do those fancy, and controversial, tricks that Rubyists do using method_missing.

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