New In The App Store – Movie Quote Search

On March 12, 2009

My friend Kevin is one of those freaks who knows thousands upon thousands of movie quotes. It is all but impossible to speak to him without him peppering the conversation with quote after quote after quote after quote after quote after quote after quote after quote after…

When I saw this app, Movie Quote Search, this morning I thought I might finally level the playing field. Here was an app (two actually since there is also a free version) that will let me pull up quote in seconds.  As the description notes,

Can’t remember what movie that great line was from? Find out with Movie Quote Search. Now you have access to the entire IMDb movie quote archive in your pocket.

"Ahhh," I thought, "with this bit of technology Kevin has finally met his match.

Then I got to thinking… what if I just tried to Google the quote? So I Googled the quote they show on the app.













Google pulled up "The Big Lebowski’.

"Okay" I figured, And "maybe I was a lucky guess." So I tried another quote.

This time I Googled "You can’t handle the truth". Within seconds this was returned.












Okay, two for two. The next quote, "What is your quest?"

Google returned the best movie ever.












"I’m not dead yet" yielded the correct answer also.











Next quote, "what knockers!" Returned the correct answer Young Frankenstein.











And finally, "Excuse me while I whip this out" yielded Blazing Saddles.











In other words, using Google’s search and was able to find every single movie quote that possibly need. Apparently I have had my "Kevin-ator" all along.

Which yields this question — why would I need this application the first place. There are better places to spend a dollar so I suggest passing.

If you still want the app, however, you can get it HERE.