Smartphones Sales In The First Quarter: Android vs iOS

On May 17, 2013

IDC released smartphones deliveries figures from the first quarter of this year, they gave the domination to Android platform, but also the iOS leap on the second position of the stack.

In the first three months of this year, Android phone manufacturers shipped 162.1 million pieces, an increase of nearly 80 percent over the same period last year, when they were delivered to 90 million pieces. These figures place first among Android smartphone software platforms, with a market share of 75 percent landslide. A year ago, Android was only 59.1 percent of sales.

Apple’s sales increased to 37.4 million units, marking a jump of 6 percent compared to the same period last year. iPhones ranks second place with a market share of 17 percent, but losing market share compared to the first quarter of last year, they represented nearly a quarter of the sales.

Windows Phone platform managed to get to the third place, displacing BlackBerry products. In the first three months of this year, Microsoft operating system run on 7 million of new terminals, representing 3.2 percent of the market, while BlackBerry has managed to sell only 6.3 million units and settle for four. A year ago, Microsoft had a market share of only two percent, while BlackBerry ranked third with 6.4 percent.

On the free fall is the defunct Symbian platform, which reached a market share of 0.6 percent from the 6.8 percent recorded a year ago, while various Linux platforms are also down slightly.