This Week in iPhone News – August 21/2009
Rise Of The New Middle Class Part II Peter Farago: “a year ago, the new darlings of mobile gaming could not have flourished in mobile.”
20 Killer iPhone Game Designs Great collection of iPhone game designs that get attention on the App Store.
What Has the iPhone Really Changed? A recent essay on Gamasutra discussing what exactly has changed since the iPhone has appeared on the scene.
Reading Between the Lines of Apple’s FCC Reply Apple may only spend, on average, 13 minutes to review an app for inclusion in the store!
The Objective-C Runtime: Understanding and Abusing A good rundown on the Objective-C language and its vulnerabilities. A good read especially from a security standpoint. While focused on Mac OSX, it is still good to know for iPhone development.
12 Best iPhone and iPod Touch Games You’ve Never Heard Of An interesting collection of obscure yet entertaining iPhone and iPod Touch games.
The Care and Feeding of Pre-Compiled Headers Another informative article from Noel Llopis regarding the performance gains you can get from carefully managing pre-compiled headers in your applications.
iPhone OS 3.0.1 Advisory (Note: this is a direct link to a PDF) Many people are experiencing Xcode development issues after upgrading their iPhone to 3.0.1 OS. Read this advisory from Apple for a fix.