Touch Tip- Getting Jott For iPhone On Your Touch
The other night I noticed that MacWorld’s review of Jott for iPhone gave the app just three stars and indicated that the app was available for both the iPhone and the Touch.
Only problem is… They are wrong.
They are, in my opinion, wrong to only give it three stars and they are wrong about it being available for the Touch. It’s not.
If you go to the App Store from your Touch and type "Jott" into the search feature it returns both "Jott for iPhone" and "Jott Networks". Unfortunately when you tap either of them in order to load them on your Touch the store returns "None available". Why? I suspect the lack of a microphone on the Touch but regardless it means no OTA download of JOTT for iPhone.
So are Touch users who love Jott completely out of luck? Not necessarily although it isn’t the simplest of work-arounds.
Here’s how I got Jott on my Touch.
Unfortunately the workaround requires access to an iPhone on your computer first.
Step 1- Download Jott to your iPhone.
Step 2- Back up and sync your iPhone to your iTunes account.
Step 3- Sync your Touch to the same computer making sure you indicate that it should load Jott.
Step 4- Use Jott on your Touch.
Of course the Touch’s lack of a microphone means that you are not able to create voice notes, but you can create manual notes using the keyboard and access all of your Jotts directly from your Touch.