Welcome Back To JAiB Patrick J!

On December 21, 2008

My involvement with iPhone websites began a little over a year ago when Patrick, over on Just Another iPhone Blog, was kind enough to invite me to become one of his writers. One day I was posting comments on his stories, the next I was writing. 

I was brand-new to this world and Patrick was incredibly patient with me. (When I think back to some of the questions I asked him… he was very kind to not laugh outloud.) And when I set out to start whatsoniphone with Dimitri and Ron he was super supportive.

Patrick’s been laying low from Just Another iPhone Blog for the last few months due to some serious health concerns. Fortunately, he has once again beat the cancer and come through the brutal treatments. He’s back and blogging away. The entire blogosphere, and particularly the world of iPhone websites, is better for it. Patrick could have you back mate!