What’s On (My) iPhone and Why

On August 2, 2008


Yesterday marked three weeks since the App Store first opened. In those first 21 days a lot has happened.

–The Apps Store has gone from 500 apps to over 1000
–The percent of free apps has fallen from 25% to 20%
–Many key apps have seen at least one or more update adding both features and stability
–Some developers have discovered what a goldmine the App Store can be
–People have struggled as, on the one hand, their iPhone and iPod Touchs have been transformed into far more powerful devices, while at the very same time time their once rock solid handhelds have been plagued by instability and reduced battery life.

Over these 21 days I have become an "App collector" and the picture at the top of this post proves it. Yes, those are the apps, all 75 of them, currently in my iTunes account.

In the process I have been running up my PayPal bill at a rapid pace because there has been no way to directly aquire review copies (although that will apparently soon change). The money has been well spent because I truly believe WOiP creates a platform through which we can help each other make the best choices.

Of those 75 apps, however, only about 20 are currently on my iPhone. Over the next three days I will be listing the current "keepers" along with a brief summary of WHY a particular app is (likely) going to remain on my iPhone.

First we’ll take a look at productivity apps, then lifestyle/entertainment apps and finally, a brief look at the games that are "keepers".

Along the way if you happen to think I’ve missed  "gem’ I would love for you to let all if us know.