Name: Privates!
Version: 1.2
Category: Apps, iPhone Apps
Date: 2016-04-18
Price: free
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Most Android phones have a search button. this button is used to search contacts,applications or anything on the phone. We can make use of the search functionality in our apps. In this post we’re going to see how to implement search functionality to search for entries stored in a databaseand display them in a ListView. […]
You can have 20 million users download you freemium application, but if only 2 of them spend more than 30 seconds in your app you have a problem! This week we will look at the ways currency can be introduced and the best way to introduce users to your games virtual economy. Dad to son: […]
In the last post we saw how to use Android services to do time consuming operations in the background. in this post we will see how can a client application call the methods of a service defined in another application. this is achieved through Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL). AIDL is a java like language […]
Android Service is used for long-running processes that do not require user interaction, such as calling a web service and parsing response. Or processes that need to be running even if the application that started the service is not on the foreground such as playing mp3 files in a music player. we need to distinguish […]
In a previous last post we saw how to call REST and SOAP web services. The web service reponse can be one of the following: XML. SOAP. JSON. Parsing XML Android offers three types of XML parsers: DOM Parser. Pull Parser. SAX Parser. we’ll demonstrate each using the following xml example: <?xml version=”1.0″?> <person> <firstname>Jack</firstname> […]
Matt Tubergen heads Recharge Studios, a wholly owned subsidiary of W3i that invests in the development and marketing/distribution of freemium mobile games. W3i is a market leader in distributing and monetizing apps with over 500 million apps distributed for W3i clients. Recharge Studios is actively seeking new investment opportunities, if you have a great idea […]
One of the most common functionalities required in mobile applications is to call a web service to retrieve data. This process involves requesting the web service with parameters, receiving the response and parsing it to obtain data. Today the most common web services types are SOAP and REST. Android does not provide a built in SOAP client, […]