App Update: Now Playing


On August 27, 2008

I love the fact that good apps are now being regularly updated so that they become even better apps. Case in point- Now Playing (aka Box Office).

The new update makes a couple of meaningful tweaks that make an incredibly useful app even better.

First, they have improved communication between the iPhone and the Now Playing server so that it works faster and better for everyone but especially for iPhones using an Edge connection.(Translation- it’s faster.)

Second, they added the ability to email listings to yourself and others. A small addition but a nice convenience.

Third, they added the ability to set specific theaters as "Favorites" so that regardless of your location you’ll know what is playing at your favorite theater even faster.

Finally, they made two other little tweaks by putting the theater after the movie title instead of before it and the added the option to turn off review scores altogether. (I love this last one since they were SO distracting on such a small screen.)

There you have it- It isn’t a major overhaul but these little incremental improvements really begin to add up.


Local Storage and Apple?s Vision For the iPhone


On August 26, 2008

I was reading through the forums trying to get a feel for what people were looking for in an app for their iPhone. 

jpvann was commenting on Evernote and what a great app it would be when Apple finally allows local data storage. My bet is that Apple will never allow this to happen.

I think Steve Jobs vision of the iPhone was more of a terminal to the internet than a self sufficient computer in your hand.

Just Released- The Tag Show



Last week we gave you a quick preview of The Tag Show from Dove Valley Apps.

The Tag Show lets you create and view slide shows created from public image feeds.

With The Tag Show you can plug in a term, topic or subject and it randomly pulls images tagged with that word or words.

You can listen to music while watching the slideshow, save the images, email a link to those images and send the images to iToony and Twinkle.

Dove Valley Apps has big plans to add more feeds and functions in the months to come.

Best of all, The Tag Show is free.

I’ve been using it for the last week and find it to be a whole lot of fun.



We Welcome Our Newest Contributor!


On August 25, 2008

Join us in welcoming Daniel Ortiz, our newest contributor on What’sOniPhone.

Daniel is a 16-year-old High School junior who loves technology and is fluent in three languages.  He enjoys traveling, eating, hanging out with friends and, oh yeah, he’s a huge iPhone fan. In fact, Daniel’s iPhone is so central to his day to day that, as he put it, "I don’t know what I would do without all those 16 gigabytes of memory."

We’re thrilled to have Daniel joining us and look forward to his upcoming reviews.

What’s On (My) iPhone- News Apps


On August 24, 2008

I was using a tablet pc when Google Gears and the New York Times’ Times Reader were first released. The tablet was my first step in a significant shift away from "dead tree" media that has resulted in my currently doing most all of my reading in electronic form. While size, weight and battery life were significant limitations, the advantages far outweighed the limitations. At least they did for me. Google Gears and the Times Reader meant that I could now save almost everything I might want to read with regard to news and RSS feeds for offline access.

Despite its small screen, when the iPhone came out it all but replaced my tablet pc for reading the news. The iPhone optimized Google Reader web app was excellent and, while the NYTimes did not have an iPhone site per se, their mobile site looked great on an iPhone. The iPhone had some clear advantages over the tablet pc. It was light, portable, cool (most tablet pcs can get hot!) and had excellent battery life. Unfortunately, at the time the device was so "locked down" by Apple that offline reading was not possible. All that changed on July 11th with the release of the 2.0 firmware. Now offline access was added to the other benefits, making the iPhone or iPod Touch an excellent means to stay current on the news regardless of whether or not a data connection was available.

So what’s news-worthy on my iPhone?

App Update: Moto Chaser



One of the first iPhone games we downloaded and played was Moto Chaser (aka Moto Racer). Freeverse has been busy preparing an update and it’s now out. In addition to bug fixes the update adds…





-New music tracks (thank goodness, the one original tune got old FAST)

-Support for multiple languages

-An improved interface and "Punch!" button positioning

-"Pause" functionality

-An improved the default difficulty setting

-Unlocked levels save immediately.

Wik-Off: Which Wikipedia App To Use?


On August 23, 2008

I’ve used Wikopedia but not often since a recent study revealed the fact that, while convenient, reliability and accuracy is, at times, … questionable.

The article said-

The study did reveal inaccuracies in eight of the nine entries and exposed major flaws in at least two of the nine Wikipedia articles. Overall, Wikipedia’s accuracy rate was 80 percent compared with 95-96 percent accuracy within the other sources. This study does support the claim that Wikipedia is less reliable than other reference resources. Furthermore, the research found at least five unattributed direct quotations and verbatim text from other sources with no citations.

Nevertheless, a whole lot of people rely on Wikopedia and the App Store offers a number of ways to access it. The three main choices are-
– The free resident Google App
-The free Wikopanion App
-The $.99 iWik App

How did the three stack up? Let’s review them via a brief compare and contrast.

iPhone In Action: Facebook



The question over in the forums was simple- What’s Over Your Favorite  App So Far?
Rick Streifel’s answer was anything but–

"Facebook", he wrote, "Probably not high on most peoples list, but it  meant a great deal to me 2 weeks ago."

Rick’s post went on from there. It told a story about Rick, his dad, an iPhone 3G, the Facebook app and… we’ll let Rick tell the rest…

Introducing: iPhone In Action…



One of the things about the iPhone is that it’s the "take it with you everywhere" device.

With an iPhone you always have a camera, an internet device, an email device and, oh yeah, a phone with you. The addition of a few key apps mean even more uses than ever before. For example, we can now see something, snap a picture with our iPhone and have it posted to our website or blog in seconds.

That means the iPhone will likely be with you in a way other devices won’t and, as a result, both capture and even create, key life moments and experiences.

So this weekend we’ll be introducing a new series of posts- "iPhone In Action…"

Have a great story, a funny story or meaningful story where your iPhone played a key role?

Send it to us… we would love to read it and perhaps even post it to share with others ….

Congratulations To Our Sena Case Winners!!



Our thanks to Sena for helping us mark our two-month anniversary!

Our thanks to all of you! Your involvement, comments and questions help everyone who visits WhatsOniPhone find the best of the best (and avoid the worst of the worst) when it comes to iPhone and iPod Touch apps.

The winners in our Sena Case giveaway are…