This Week In iPad News


On January 29, 2010

When we started putting together this week’s This Week column the iPad news overshadowed everything else. So we’ve decided to dedicate this week’s column to noteworthy iPad items. As promised, Apple released an updated SDK, along with an iPad simulator, HIG, sample applications, programming guide and documentation on producing universal applications. iPad Big Picture John […]

iPad: What Developers Need To Know


On January 27, 2010

Apple just finished their iPad event. Here’s what you’ll want to know as a developer: Jobs says the device is for, “Browsing the web. Doing email. Enjoying and sharing pics. Watching videos. Enjoying music. Playing games. Reading ebooks.” It’ll run unmodified iPhone apps out of the box in two modes: actual size, which takes up […]

Bookmarklet As App Store Paid App


On January 26, 2010

Vais Salikhov wrote to tell me about Find In Page, his newly available $0.99 app. The app isn’t. Instead, it’s a Mobile Safari bookmarklet. Confused? Allow me to explain: Mobile Safari, like any modern browser, supports bookmarklets. Bookmarklets are compact blurbs of JavaScript saved as a bookmark. When you navigate to a JavaScript bookmark the […]

Best App Ever Podcast


On January 25, 2010

The Best App Ever podcast episode. Features interviews with: Jeff Scott, creator of the Best App Ever Awards and founder of 148Apps; and people-behind-the-nominees segments with Garret Murray, creator of the aptly named Ego app; and Yuanzhen Li and Michael Parker creators of the TrueHDR photography app. For easy scanning of the interview, here’s what […]

App Usage Analytics From Apple Campus Reveals Tablet Details



Those Flurry folks are clever. Sifting through their app usage data, they identified usage from approximately 50 devices originating from — and never leave — Apple’s campus that appear to be the tablet. The data suggests the device will run iPhone OS, specifically an as-yet unreleased iPhone 3.2 OS. The company tracked application usage over […]

This Week in iPhone News – January 22/2010


On January 22, 2010

AdMob Mobile Metrics Q4/09: iPhone doubled its share of smartphone global requests to 27%. Yelp Challenges Foursquare, Adds Checkins to iPhone App The location-based application realm is sure getting a lot of attention lately. Yelp has recently updated their application to allow you to check-in at your current location, similar to Foursquare. App Removed At […]

Developer-To-Developer iPhone App Distribution Without Ad-Hoc Provisioning


On January 20, 2010

Developers can share iPhone applications that they’ve created with other iPhone developers without using ad hoc provisioning. Setting this up takes less than 5 minutes. This is one of the method’s I’m considering for distributing CodePromo, my app that makes it easy to generate and share promo codes from the iPhone. This article provides step-by-step […]

Panelists Wanted: Warm, Clothed & Fed @ 360iDev


On January 19, 2010

In September, at last year’s 360|iDev Conference, I gave a well-received 90 minute speech titled Warm, Clothed And Fed: Developer Run iPhone Businesses. The speech’s central premise was that there are sweet spots where building your own iPhone apps, building apps for others, or building something for people building or selling apps that could sustain […]

For Your Consideration: How To Get Nominated For An Award – Part 2


On January 18, 2010

The first part of this piece made the case that awards aren’t won democratically. Somewhere in the nominating/voting process there’s an more-equal-than-other elite that you should target to improve your odds. In this article, using the Best App Ever award as an template, I start to lay out what I’d do I was trying to […]

This Week in iPhone News – January 15/2010


On January 15, 2010

The Apple App Store Economy A neat infographic summarizing the Apple app store economy. Apple App Store Has Lost $450MM to Piracy An analysis of the potential losses affecting the Apple app store due to jailbroken phones and piracy. Chomp Now Live and Ready to Bite into iPhone App Recommendations A new iPhone app is […]