GoDocs for Google Docs™ for iphone, ipad Review

On March 22, 2012

App Type: iPhone

GoDocs for Google Docs™ for iphone, ipad Review

Our rating:

By: Nikita Lutsenko

Version #: 2.8.0

Date Released:

Developer: By Light Room

Price: $4.99

User Rating:

Many people long for an app that gives them easy access to their Google Docs for viewing and editing on the go from their iPhone. GoDocs from Light House aims to fill that void with the promise of being the ultimate solution for Google Docs. Does it live up to that promise?

GoDocs can sync with multiple Google accounts so if you need access to both work and personal accounts GoDocs has your covered. Once logged in, you have a list of all your documents which can be sorted by name, type, date created, etc. Tapping on a document gives you a quick run down on with size, description, and last edit date. From here you can view it in GoDocs or any other supported app on your iPhone which makes moving a doc to an app your want work on it with easy. You can see revisions, change sharing options, and even mail or print your document from this page.

If you want to edit the document, it will link you directly to the Google Docs mobile page with an in app browser. Be aware that there is no access to the on screen keyboard so a bluetooth keyboard will be required. I can’t really think of why you would want to do any editing without an external keyboard, but it would be nice to have the option to bring it up anyway. Mobile editing of Google docs is a difficulty think to begin with so this option isn’t really recommended unless you need to make small changes.

Uploading files is also supported, though from the iOS device you are limited to photos and video. GoDocs does have a WiFi sharing feature that will allow you to upload any document from a computer on the same network as your iPhone to the device, which in turn, will upload the file to Google Docs. I found this works well for times when I was at a computer I did not have full access to, or didn’t want to login to Google Docs from. GoDocs give you the option to upload as is, or to convert files to Google Docs format for future editing.

Whether you just need to view and print docs, or you are adding and managing documents, GoDocs is really a full featured interface for Google Docs with the exception of offline editing. Anyone that is needing access to their account on the go, should hit the app store and pick up GoDocs which is currently $4.99.

We rate this app 4 out of 5 stars.

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mitb has written 134 awesome app reviews.