greenpois0n RC5 is out

On February 3, 2011

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greenpois0n RC5 is out. You can download greenpois0n RC5 now. The Chronic Dev-Team has just released the latest version of Greenpois0n, which features an untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 without the need for SHSH blobs. The exploit they are using has already been patched in iOS 4.3.

It’s currently GreenPois0n RC5 Mac version, GreenPois0n RC5 Windows version will be released soon.

@chpwn: (Be sure to restore before using if you’re currently tethered, and do note that it is currently Mac *only*.)

@p0sixninja: Windows version coming soon, no hacktivation, report issues to

You can download greenpois0n RC5 from

Tutorial will be posted soon.