Daily Finance: A Must Have For Anyone Who Buys And Sells Stocks

On August 13, 2009

App Type: iPhone

Daily Finance: A Must Have For Anyone Who Buys And Sells Stocks

Our rating:


Version #: 1.2

Date Released:


Price: 0

User Rating:

Wishing you could keep track of your financial information more easily? The AOL Daily Finance Application provides a raw and practical approach to your stock market necessities. Creating software that can compete with the likes of Bloomberg and ATM Hunter, AOL offers an intuitive app that allows users to keep a finger on the pulse the pulse of all the major stock markets.

The Daily Finance application allows you to manage up to twenty five different portfolios from top to bottom. The BATS Exchange provides real time stock quotes that will address your immediate inquiries if you have a gut instinct regarding a stock’s current status.

The NASDAQ and New York Stock Exchange quotes are only slightly delayed, but aid to provide a picture of the state of the market. For more advanced stock traders, the application has an easily accessible graphing feature that allows the user to see a colorful and informative charting of the stock in questions’ activities.

When accessing the graphing feature, an easily interpreted chart appears, but by rotating the device ninety degrees, a chart for every stock in your portfolio will appear, giving you a side by side comparison of their current status. All of the information you access is stored so that even when you are not connected to the internet or in range of WIFI, you can still see previously viewed information.

The software provides insight into which stocks are on the up and which ones are spiraling downwards. AOL Daily Finance will keep you informed so that you can make the most up to date and informative decision regarding your portfolio.

As this application is free to download, why wait? Download your copy today to gain the information you need to make more informed financial decisions on a daily basis.

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david-james has written 465 awesome app reviews.