File Twitter: A Simple Way To Post Audio, Video And Photos To Twitter

On October 18, 2009

App Type: iPhone

File Twitter: A Simple Way To Post Audio, Video And Photos To Twitter

Our rating:


Version #: 1.0

Date Released:


Price: 3.99

User Rating:

Do you use Twitter? If so, you probably want to post some images or even get into posting video clips or sound bites to your page as well. This is something that many people do to generate interest in their social networking page. With the File Twitter app it is incredibly easy to add a huge array of media to your Twitter page.

The app is able to very easily add files with text to the site, and videos can be imported or even recorded through the app. The video file type is the common .MOV one, and anyone can use QuickTime to view it. Photographs can also be imported from the user’s library or taken through the app as well. The app supports the common .JPG format and is capable of working with images of 160 to 1600 pixels.

Most images can be automatically resized before posting to Twitter as well. Audio files work the same way and can either come from an existing library or be recorded through the File Twitter app also. The file format for recordings is the .CAF type which also uses the QuickTime player too.

There are many different Twitter client apps available, but the File Twitter is one exclusively geared towards rapidly adding media files of many different types to the individual page. The app is compatible with iPod Touch and iPhone devices.

The cost for the File Twitter app is $3.99, and an existing Twitter account is necessary for it to function properly.

If you are ready to make your Twitter page richer and more effective, this is a good app to use.

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david-james has written 465 awesome app reviews.