NetSuite: Access These Powerful Management Tools Outside The Office

On October 27, 2009

App Type: iPhone

NetSuite: Access These Powerful Management Tools Outside The Office

Our rating:

By: NetSuite

Version #: 1.0

Date Released:


Price: 0

User Rating:

If your business uses the NetSuite program for its management needs, you can now access the data in mobile format thanks to the NetSuite app. This provides access to the most powerful features of the program and can quickly and securely provide you with the most significant details.

It allows the user to access their calendar, make or decline appointments, and is fully integrated with all iPhone or iPod Touch services. The NetSuite app allows the user to view the standard, real-time Dashboard screen with its trend graphs, account or client snapshots, reminders, and more. It also provides all financial and customer data, and calendar information which can be accepted or declined with a single tap on the screen.

With another single command the app will also tie directly into the phone, email, maps, and web services available through the user’s device. The app will also permit users to review all customer or client data through the mobile format as well, including documents such as sales and orders.

There many different business management apps currently available, but the NetSuite app is the only one directly linked into an existing NetSuite account. This means that real-time data about almost any area of the business is available while in the office or on the road.

This app works exclusively with iPhone and iPod Touch devices.

There is no cost for this app, but an active NetSuite account must exist for functionality.

If you need to manage your business, or remain fully informed, while on the road, this is the app for you to download today.

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