Audio Puzzle: So You Think You Can Name That Tune In Just A Few Notes

On January 20, 2010

App Type: iPhone

Audio Puzzle: So You Think You Can Name That Tune In Just A Few Notes

Our rating:

By: Dexoris

Version #: 1.0

Date Released:


Price: 1.99

User Rating:

How well do you know your favorite music? How about the songs in your playlists? With the Audio Puzzle app your musical knowledge will be put to the test in one of the most entertaining and innovative ways imaginable – in a puzzle challenge! When you play the Audio Puzzle app it pulls random or individually selected songs from your onboard playlists.

The app then breaks them into individual puzzle pieces that begin playing a segment of the song when touched. To win the game, the player must begin assembling the pieces to make the song play in the proper order and correctly from beginning to end. There are three modes or levels that include the Basic, Distraction and the Hardcore.

The Basic is the most simplified version, the Distraction gets a bit trickier by adding pieces from other songs into those displayed on the screen, and the Hardcore allows the player to only hear the song once before they must begin trying to assemble the pieces. Players will also have the option of customizing their background with album art or favorite skins if desired, and can even share their scores.

There are many music-oriented games such as Buzzer! and Beat It!, but this is a truly innovative and unique approach to really delving into your knowledge and your music library.

The cost for the app is $1.99 and all updates are available for no additional fees. The Audio Puzzle app is designed for iPhone and iPod Touch devices.

If you are ready to begin hearing music in a whole new and wildly enjoyable way, this is the right app for you to download to your mobile device today.

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