Fix sn0wbreeze "Not a valid IPSW"

On March 29, 2011


FIX sn0wbreeze not a valid IPSW

Are you getting this error while choosing IPSW file for sn0wbreeze? Why did you get Not a valid IPSW error on sn0wbreeze? How-to fix “not a valid IPSW” on sn0wbreeze?

There are some possibilities why “Not a valid IPSW” error comes up on your sn0wbreeze.
– Incorrect sn0wbreeze for incorrect iOS version.
– The downloaded IPSW file is corrupt.
– Your device is not supported by sn0wbreeze.
– You are out of luck.


how-to fix sn0wbreeze if you stuck on “Not a valid IPSW”

error message?

  1. You are using incorrect sn0wbreeze version.
    You must use the correct sn0wbreeze version for specific iOS which you want to jailbreak.

  2. The IPSW file is corrupted.
    Another reason why did you get invalid ipsw on sn0wbreeze is due to corrupted IPSW file. Make sure you have downloaded IPSW file directly from Apple and make sure the files isn’t corrupt.
    Download Ash’s MD5/SHA-1 Checker by ashberk from and check the SHA1 hash of your IPSW file.

    Check SHA1 and get rid Not a valid IPSW error

    If the SHA1 checksum is mismatch with the one on, you have to re-download the IPSW file.
    You may also try another SHA1 checker, type sha1 hash checker on google if you don’t like this one =D.

  3. Your device is not supported by sn0wbreeze.
    What device are you trying to jailbreak with sn0wbreeze? Make sure it’s supported by the current sn0wbreeze, otherwise you will still get “Not a valid” IPSW.
    How-to know whether your device is supported by sn0wbreeze or not?
    Check (if you are using the latest version) for supported devices list. If you are using older sn0wbreeze, search on about the sn0wbreeze version you are using and check whether your device is supported or not.
  4. You are out of luck.
    Yes, you read it correctly. Some people have a better luck in their life, while the others not. Would you like to try the sn0wbreeze on other computer? You may have a better luck with it.

    This is the latest reason we could expect if you keep getting “Not a valid IPSW”, you are out of luck.

Still getting “Not a valid IPSW” error on sn0wbreeze?
Leave a comment here and tell us your device information, sn0wbreeze version, ios version, checksum. Make sure you have followed the fix “not a valid ipsw” guide on before telling us that you still have “Not a valid IPSW” error.