Name: Privates!
Version: 1.2
Category: Apps, iPhone Apps
Date: 2016-04-18
Price: free
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Apple Chief Executive Officer, Tim Cook, yesterday presented the first quarter numbers for Apple, he also discussed things such as Maps and Apple TV. Some of the interesting this that Cook said were among others Notification Center sent more than 4 trillion notifications, and iMessages sent over 450 billion messages (about 2 billion per day). […]
The lack of an SD card slot in iOS devices is a major left out and this makes each megabyte on our storage extra special. As such, an application like PhoneClean 2 claiming to free up space on your iPhone or iPad is always welcome. This is what the developers have to say about their product: PhoneClean is uniquely designed to […]
To highlight the success of the iPhone against Android terminals, an American analyst thought to compare the sales of Apple products and those of high-end smartphones from Samsung. He made a comparison from June 2010 to December 2012 and weighed the sales terminals: iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy SI, Galaxy S II, […]