Name: Privates!
Version: 1.2
Category: Apps, iPhone Apps
Date: 2016-04-18
Price: free
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Remember Canary, the home monitoring device whose Indiegogo campaign went through the roof with close to 2 million in funding? They have finally delivered on their promises as Canary hits the shelves today, for $249. So why is Canary so popular? Canary is basically a stylish looking 6 inch high device packed with a HD […]
If you are one of the many people using PayPal on your iOS device then here is some good news, earlier today PayPal updated their app to version 5.4, among the new features are a lot of security updates that have been implemented in order to make using the service on your device much more […]
The guys at Apple sure have been busy this past week, when they released an update to iOS 7 we had no idea just how important this update really was. According to a support document Apple has uncovered a major security flaw in iOS 7, this update should have fixed that, according to the support […]
If you have never heard of ConFoo, it is one of the most important non-profit, developer-oriented conferences. The team brings 100 speakers from around the globe to share their hands-on experience with various web technologies. 1h presentations cover: PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, .NET, Java,e-Commerce, Security, Mobile, UX and other topics. The schedule is quite impressive: https://confoo.ca/en/2013/schedule They […]
Once again the week is coming to an end and that means it’s time for a roundup of the past weeks news! Even Professional Analysts Aren’t Sure How Many iPads Apple Sold Last Quarter – CNN Money asked 61 Apple analysts, 31 from Wall Street and 30 independent analysts, what their estimates […]
With the release of Mountain Lion just a few months away, Apple has begun preparing the Mac Developing community for the new Gatekeeper feature. Developers are reporting having received an email from Apple encouraging them to sign up for the company’s Developer ID program so that their apps can be properly signed ahead of the launch […]