ABContacts – Brings Smart Groups to the iPhone

On January 29, 2009

 I’m proud to announce that version 1.4 of ABContacts has been released and should be available in a few hours on the App Store.

The app has some great new features, one long awaited by many users: smart groups !

The app is still at 3.99$ but will be 4.99$ tomorrow when all worldwide app stores will be updated.

Two youtube demos are available :

Part 1 (overview and contacts)

Part 2 (smart groups, recent calls, favorites) 


The list of changes is detailed below.
Website and app screenshots on iTunes are being updated.

Your comments on the app will be appreciated 


The app now has five windows :
– Contacts
– Smart Groups
– Dialer
– Recent Calls
– Favorites
Touch the title bar to show the windows menu.

With Smart Groups you can create dynamic groups based on rules. Contacts will be filed in smart groups automatically. There are five different types of rules and they work on first name, last name, company, notes, job title, department, city, state, country, birthday and events fields.
Rules can be combined to create very powerful filters !
Moreover, Outlook users will be able to create smart groups on the phone that finally does not alter how contacts are shown in Outlook.

The dialer is associated with a smart search feature. You can search contacts using the dialer keypad. Spaces and special chars are supported as well as non english letters. Phonetic info are used if present.
You can also speed dial the first nine favorites by pressing and holding the corresponding key down.

Recent calls will show the 30 most recent calls you’ve made with ABContacts. Numbers can be simply added to new contacts or existing contacts.

Favorites has two view modes: list and photos. You can add, use and manage favorites with the list mode and use them in the photo view.

You can use contact quick actions in every view.

The new version also contains:
– better speed;
– minor graphics adjustments;
– minor text fixes;
– minor bug fixes;