Book Review: All the C You Need to Know

On January 19, 2013

If you have ever wanted to know more about C the language base underneath Objective-C, then this book is definitely something for you. As the author states “If you understand C, you are a better coder, better debugger and an overall better developer, the book was written by Bill Dudney.

What’s great about this book is that the screenshots are thumbnails that will pop-up to fill your entire screen so there is no need to frantically try to zoom in, in order to decipher the text.

After finishing this book you will have a much deeper understanding of the C language and how many of its features are used to give Objective-C flexibility. If you take the time to try the different sample exercises then you will get a much better feel for the language.

Bill Dudney writes:

“By the end of this book you will understand what a struct is, why NSError ** is at the end of many methods rather than the simpler looking NSError *, and begin to understand how the ObjC runtime works.”

You can find All the C You Need to Know in living color on your iPad here.



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