Developer of CloudSkipper releases hot new android app: HD Widgets, with discount

On August 29, 2011

The guys are at it again. Their first Android app, Cloudskipper, had over 400,000 installs in the first 3 months.

They have announced their new app: HD Widgets – the first customizable widgets made exclusively for Honeycomb tablets.

These highly detailed widgets set the bar for the next generation of Android companies intent on providing high-quality, highly-detailed apps. HD Widgets are far and away more detailed and attractive than the first generation of Android widgets and are sure to make even iPad users a little envious.

HD Widgets includes a dozen different widget types including two large tablet headers and a tall, half-page widget. Most widgets include time and weather, but the large tablet widgets also include your choice of 5-day forecast or utility switches.

The best part of HD Widgets is how fun and easy it is to use. Everything in the app is swipeable: the menu, the pages, and the options. You just swipe left and right to change details on the fly. You can mix and match 30+ clocks (LED, flip clock, and Honeycomb) with backgrounds, layouts, and options.

“HD Widgets is how we’re bootstrapping” states Radley Marx, co-founder of Cloud TV. “We want to keep Cloudskipper free for everyone, so we made HD Widgets to help support us.”

They’ll be following up with a phone version in a few weeks as well as new themes, new options, and much more.

HD Widgets is available for the first week for only 0.99 (66% off).