Fortune lists top 10 dumbest iPhone apps

On July 11, 2009

Drunk SniperFortune magazine online has created a gallery of the 10 dumbest iPhone apps that are currently availabe in the App Store (although after reading the list, you’d have to wonder if Apple or the creators would pull the apps out of sheer embarrassment).  My favorite could very well be Drunk Sniper, which no doubt many an adult male has had to perform in real life on more than one occasion.

In order to become an iPhone developer, a person only has to own a Mac, download the prerequisitie free software and pay $99 to Apple to register as a developer in order to release the software to the general public (and perhaps you could use What’s On iPhone’s Developer Corner to help you on your way).  With such a low barrier to entry, it’s no surprise that all kinds of developers with all kinds of ideas, good and bad, are crawling out of the woodwork.

Most of the apps in the list are of two general categories: either they promise to do something the iPhone can’t (such as make you regrow hair) and thus qualify as "Entertainment" or they use silly or toilet humor (literally).

This article basically proves that iPhone development is still a young and growing market and that anybody with any sort of idea (plus a Mac, plus $99) can at this stage develop an original iPhone application.  It also proves that Apple’s supposed rules and standards to accept or reject apps for release on iTunes are arbitrary and likely need more work.  I’m not sure if that may ever change actually, since it seems, Apple keeps making headlines for lots of apps that it continues to accept and then remove from the store when enough people make enough noise about it.

Personally, I think that Apple should just employ the buyer beware concept, and let us decide whats appropriate or not, until then, I’m sure we will continue to see all sorts of apps denied and approved only to see Apple take the opposite position once the public makes some noise.