Localscope tops Navigation App category in the App Store Rewind 2011

On December 13, 2011


Recently Apple announced their much awaited Rewind 2011, the Apple Rewind is among many developers considered to be the Oscars for the App Store.

In the Navigation category Localscope took the top position, according to their iTunes page, “Localscope is your social data powered GPS app. Always know where you are and what’s around you with Localscope!”

What is really interesting about Localscope is the fact that it lets you decide which services you search. You can use Localscope to “Search & discover places around you with information from multiple geo search engines & social networks: Google, Bing, Foursquare, Twitter, Wikimapia.”

Furthermore Localscope offers an augmented reality view which offers a third option for visualizing your search results beyond a simple list or flat, old-school map.

According to the guys behind Localscope however this is just the beginning, on their website they state “As we gear up to release what we believe to be our greatest creation ever in the upcoming weeks, we are even more excited to envision its impact on our users. Localscope 2.0 will change the way you see your world around you. It will let you look at your vicinity in ways that was never possible before. It is going to be awesome!”

Localscope is available now for $1 and requires an iPhone or iPod touch running iOS 4.0 or later.