Mobile Apps Are Going to Change the Way We Do Business in 2014

On November 24, 2013

tagIn 2011, Microsoft Tag made a slightly ambitious prediction that by 2014, mobile internet access would be more in demand than desktop access. While this is closer than ever to becoming a reality in today’s mobile-centered environment, it is unlikely that mobile devices will entirely surpass the desktop computer just yet. Businesses have been preparing themselves steadily for the new trends as technology has become more intelligently seamless.

Constant Connection
There will be a bigger and bigger blur between work and personal time in the New Year and onward into the future. Some employees are already able to do their work from home in their weekend and evening leisure time. This is hardly a surprise, as the scarcity of employment means that employees who are serious about their jobs will be more likely to work harder for longer in order to outperform the competition. The upshot of this is that there is a growing expectation in modern businesses that their employees are constantly available or “on call.” As dreary as this may seem to some, it is very good news indeed as many employers are already allowing greater flexibility in required office hours. The downside is that family time could suffer as pressure on businesspeople continues to mount along with the constant connection trend, made possible by intelligent applications that allow more comprehensive email options, advanced conference calling capabilities and even direct links to company data.

Increased BYOD Security
Businesses are increasingly making use of the Bring Your Own Device trend. BYOD came from the tendency of employees to want to bring their own devices and connect them to the business network. Clearly, the security risks that go along with this behavior are going to be plentiful. This is becoming even truer as mobile technology continues to grow in capability. As a result, companies that have not yet instituted a BYOD policy are left far behind in the productivity race. Apps that are capable of performing remote memory wipes and others that specialize in encryption of data are becoming commonplace for forward thinking businesses. Lately, the ability to partition the device into two portions, one of business and one for personal use, has increased the security of the BYOD system. Regardless of these security measures, it is vital that companies who allow BYOD make all of their employees sign a policy that prevents the sharing of sensitive company information.

Cloud Apps on the Rise
The problem with mobile devices is the limited storage. As apps grow in functionality, they draw more and more on the resources of their host devices. This means that regardless of the amount of on-board or additional memory available on a device, it is bound to run out eventually. This is where cloud apps step in and streamline the whole user experience. A cloud is an online storage area that is synchronized to mobile devices and usually linked to all of the devices that an individual uses to complete tasks. Save an important file to the cloud from your office computer and have seamless access to it from almost any device you choose. It’s all there, online for your immediate access.

All considered, it is guaranteed that mobile apps are going to completely overhaul the way business is conducted in 2014. It is important to be prepared for the new era in business and all of the challenges it poses which is why pursuing an online business management degree is always a good idea. It is important to remember that increased security goes hand in hand with technological breakthroughs. As a result, the brave new world of business technology will possibly be the most secure to date.