Need for Speed:Most Wanted released for iOS

On October 31, 2012

Since I love racing games and especially the Need for Speed series, this is a date I have been waiting for in a long time, yesterday Electronic Arts released its latest game in the popular series, Need For Speed: Most Wanted (US$6.99, universal).

Along with the iOS version the game is also being released for various consoles. The game has all the fit and polish of its larger-budget counterpart, no doubt thanks to the involvement of developer Firemonkeys, a team comprised of talent responsible for Firemint’s exceptional Real Racing series on iOS.

Need For Speed: Most Wanted features a bevy of 35 customizable real-world cars to drive at suitably breakneck speeds that are conveyed surprisingly well even on older devices like the iPhone 4. Of course, the game looks best on the third-generation iPad (or newer) where it supports the device’s Retina display, or in widescreen on iPhone 5. No matter which hardware you choose, you’ll find pitch-perfect handling and plenty of arcade-style challenge.