New In App Store… iCycle

On November 7, 2008

I was thinking a better name for this might be– "iMysogonist". I mean, assuming one’s "significant other" goes through monthly bouts of crazed erract behavior… come one.

If this app weren’t so obviously sexist it would be downright funny. Oh, who are we kidding. It IS obviously sexist AND it is absolutely totally, completely hysterical.  The app’s description says it all…

With one  button click, always know when your girlfriends / wife have their period. Enjoy peace and quiet in your relationships. Prevent arguments and unnecessary misunderstandings, save money, plan your dates, vacations, weekend trips, and major discussions within her “best  time period” of the month, the Green Zone. iCycle is extremely simple to use and was specifically created for men but can be used by women just as well. If you are dating, married, or simply want to keep track of the important women in your life, iCycle can help improve your relationship(s).


if there is conflict in your relationship it isn’t because you are a slob, aren’t paying enough attention to your partner or are just a jerk. No, if there is conflict in your relationship it is not your fault at all. Rather your significant other must be OTR. Therefore grab this app, know when it is that time and be better prepared to be more circumspect than usual. That is just sexist! Funny- but sexist. Then again, the etymology of the word "hysterical" is sexist in and of itself.

hys·teric (hi ster′ik)
adjective  <> hysterical <>
Etymology: L hystericus < Gr hysterikos, suffering in the womb, hysterical < hystera, uterus:
from the ancient notion that women were hysterical more often than men.

Warning- DO NOT LET YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER SEE this app on your iPhone. If you do, hysterics may well be the LEAST of your issues. 

You can read more about it HERE.