
On January 14, 2009

WOiP Link
iTunes Link

Developer’s Notes:
StarBoy is a fun game with simple, easy-to-learn controls – but is difficult to master.??Guide StarBoy through the sky, hitting stars to make him fly higher. Earn points for every star that is hit. StarBoy also has a small amount of fuel to thrust him onto the next star. StarBoy will fall back down if you don’t keep moving him onto the next star.??StarBoy features great sound effects and fun gameplay. For each yellow star that StarBoy hits, you gain points. Hitting a red star will give StarBoy a speed boost, and hitting a green star will refill the fuel tank. Beware of fuel sapping black holes.??Control StarBoy through the Accelerometer. Tilt your device side to side to make StarBoy move sideways. Tilt up for rocket thrust. StarBoy has 3 lives to score as many points as possible. StarBoy features:- Fun Accelerometer-based gameplay- Great sound effects- Challenging gameplay- 3 lives- Top 10 high scores table