Visualizing the iOS App Store & Apps

On January 19, 2013


In the past we told you how App Store Rankings helps optimize your App’s Keywords, well now they have come up with a whole new way of  visualizing the whole App Store, in order to as they put it”get a far away and bird’s eye view of all the data.”

What makes their new visualization tool great is the fact that it “helps visualize trends and see patterns in the whole ecosystem that might not be obvious otherwise”.

They used d3.js in order to create an interactive visualization of the whole iOS App Store, basically it is a giant info-graphic on steroids. What’s cool is that you can press on the different axis in order to filter the output to match exactly what you are looking for. So far App Store Rankings have included almost 37k apps, these include all “apps with over 10 reviews that we have data on and that is an english-language app. The downloads estimate, reviews, ratings and price are all for the US App Store”

It is very interesting when you move around with the different parameters, developers are sure to find something of interest when planning their next app.