Daily Polls for iPhone Review

On February 12, 2011

App Type: iPhone

Daily Polls for iPhone Review

Our rating:

By: M5 Systems LLC

Version #: 1.0

Date Released:

Developer: By M5 Systems LLC

Price: Free

User Rating:

The internet is literally exploded with opinion. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry, with a blog is able to spout whatever come from their brian and publish it to the world to see. Some people don’t care so much for putting their thoughts into words, but instead opt to have their voices heard by participating in polls. Daily Polls by M5 Systems aim to give you that voice in the palm of your hand with a large collection of interesting polls in one of fourteen categories.

The main screen gives you access to new polls that have been added today. Daily Polls does a good job of updating with fresh content, so you will always have something to vote on. From there you can also access the various categories, as well any polls you have bookmarked. I found to useful to bookmark polls I have voted on, so I could quickly return and see how the result are shaping up. If you want to look at polls from on a particular subject, you can search for polls. Daily Polls also gives you to ability to submit your own polls for inclusion into the app. This requires a free account that you can sign up for through their app. Daily Polls is an ad-supported app and there is a full page ad when you open the app. If you love Daily Polls but hate the ads, you can remove the ads with a $2.99 in-app purchase. This also gives your poll submissions an expedited review so they show up faster.

As far as the questions in the polls, I don’t think anyone sees these polls as a serious indicator of anything. These polls are for fun and have very limited use as a statistical tools. Many of the questions are biased and make gross assumptions about the person answering them. If you don’t take them seriously though, they can be a lot of fun and for a free app, there isn’t much to complain about. Daily Polls is available for free on the app store, so give it a try and then take part in our poll by giving it a rating here on Smokinapps.com

We rate this app 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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mitb has written 134 awesome app reviews.