MakeMyMusic: Forgo The Shuffle And Make Your Own Custom Mix

On July 27, 2010

App Type: iPhone

MakeMyMusic: Forgo The Shuffle And Make Your Own Custom Mix

Our rating:

By: Tekton Technologies

Version #: 1.0

Date Released:


Price: 0.99

User Rating:

Do you find yourself overriding the selections generated by the shuffle feature of your mobile device? You’d be surprised at how many people do this, and to solve the problem there is now the MakeMyMusic app. The MakeMyMusic app allows you to decide which songs are pulled into the shuffle mix; basically letting you dictate the songs that will be randomly selected.

It asks the user to select a genre for their morning, noon and nighttime requests. This allows someone to wake to classical, jam through their lunch to old fashioned rock and roll, and relax into their evening with a bit of jazz. The app also allows someone to define their time of day through specific artists too, which means that if you prefer to wake to Brahms, work through AC/DC, and wind down with Steely Dan you can tell the app to do just that.

There are also a host of touch screen controls for previewing the pending list, looking at the audio in relation to time of day, and for forwarding and rewinding. This app is compared to having a personal radio station because it is a program and go option that meets your listening needs immediately.

The MakeMyMusic app is very unique and impossible to compare with other musical apps, simply because it has been designed to surpass the main controls on any mobile device.

The cost for the app is $0.99, and all updates are totally free of charge. This app works with iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone devices.

If you want to enjoy your favorite music throughout the day and night, and all without searching for it through your massive music library, the MakeMyMusic app is a good download for you.

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david-james has written 465 awesome app reviews.