jAggy Race for iPad, iPhone Review

On November 13, 2011

App Type: iPhone

jAggy Race for iPad, iPhone Review

Our rating:

By: Tiziano Bizzini

Version #: 1.0.1

Date Released:

Developer: By SevenOnly

Price: $0.99

User Rating:

When I saw the first screenshots of jAggy Race I wasn’t initially pleased. I knew it was a racing game, but I didn’t know much else. jAggy Race turns out to be one of the craziest racing games you can find on the app store. The distinctive game play has you driving forward and reverse, upside down and sideways past lasers and giant buzz saws. Lets take a closer look at this crazy racer.

jAggy is a little green frog looking guy and in jAggy Race gravity is a relative thing. You usually start in an upright position, but the tracks tend to loop and flip all over the place. You will generally gravitate toward the nearest track and the arrows along the side of the road direct you as you what direction you should be driving. Luckily you can drive in reverse as fast and you can forward. The controls are dead simple to learn. The lower right side is forward and the lower left is reverse. Above each is a jump button so you can jump no matter which button you are using.

The there are three sets of five tracks and three additional tracks that can be unlocked by winning gold metals in the standard tracks. Each track has a time limit and you are rated based on how much time is left at the end of three laps. If you think this is easy be warned: While the gravity may tend to keep you heading toward the track, you can easily take off flying head long into lasers or spinning saws of death that are inconveniently places above you. If you do manage you hit on of these, you are sent back to the last checkpoint. If you run out of time then you can complete the track but you will not unlock the next track.

jAggy Race may have graphics that remind me of a 90’s 3D demo reel, but when it comes to game play, it is a refreshingly fun racer game that plays more like a platformer game. There are times when the camera isn’t able to move to a good vantage point quickly enough, but much like platformer games those limitations are overcome with level familiarization. All of this is available for $.99 so if you are a fan of racing games or even platforming games, you might want to give this one a try. Just watch out for the buzz saws!

We rate this app 4 out of 5 stars.

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mitb has written 134 awesome app reviews.