Updated: My Measures & Dimensions for iPhone Review

On January 2, 2011

App Type: iPhone

Updated: My Measures & Dimensions for iPhone Review

Our rating:

By: SIS d.o.o.

Version #: 2.2

Date Released:

Developer: By SIS software

Price: $4.99

User Rating:

Have you ever had to send the measurements of some furniture to a manufacture, or maybe you need to send a contractor the dimensions of you living room. In the spirit of, “There’s an app for that!,” comes an app that seems specially designed for that very scenario. My Measures & Dimensions from the Slovenian company SIS, aims to be the de facto tool on the iOS for drawing dimensions of objects.

Don’t mistake this app for something that it is not; a CAD program. There isn’t the robust drawing tools that you would find on a CAD program. Instead, you have a set of tools for charting out measurements that you take of an object, or location. You take a picture of the subject and get to measuring. The iPhone won’t do the measurements for you, but MyM&D has an intuitive way of inputing the measurements that you take. Placing two fingers on the screen brings up two loupes that show the end points of your line. Once you have adjusted the line to be where you want it, you can input the distance in metric or standard measurements. You can even choose from five line styles, and eight colors. The line can be adjusted from either end or moved around on the screen easily. If you want, you can delete the line with the erase tool, but be warned, it can be hard to tell which object you are deleting when there are several overlapping. I would have preferred a way to tell which object is being selected for deletion. MyM&D also has an angle drawing that will actually calculate the angle as you adjust it. You can also input a custom angle if the position of the picture does not allot for an accurate angle due to perspective. Text boxes round out the toolset for MyM&D as an effective way to add notes to a project.

Once you have a picture measured and marked, you can send the new image out to your iOS photos, or email the photo. MyM&D has a folder system that lets you easily organize your projects for future retrieval. While I have personally found it hard to find a use for this app, I can see where certain occupations could find this app a valuable asset. If you find yourself in fabrication, or construction, you owe it to yourself to give this app a try. Apart from a couple of rough edges in the interface, I find this app to perform amazingly well for the task at hand. I am glad that more and more vertical software its way to the iOS. My Measures & Dimensions even offers a lite version for you to try. If you find it useful it currently costs $4.99 in the app store.

We rate this app 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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mitb has written 134 awesome app reviews.