New York Transit Subway – Review

On January 22, 2009

App Type: Uncategorized

New York Transit Subway – Review

Our rating:

By: New York Transit Subway

Version #: 1.1

Date Released: 2009-01-09

Developer: Presselite

Price: 5.99

User Rating:

Have you ever visited NYC and can’t figure out how the subway system works or which lines goes where and what time and …  Well, then, this application should do the trick for you.

Currently, there is a series of similar application for other city from Presselite, the developer who created this application. They currently have Berlin Subway, London Tube Subway, Washington Metro Subway, and Metro Paris Subway. For all intensive purposes, we will be reviewing the NY Transit Subway. I can’t really test the others but I am going with the assumption that the functionalities and look and feel is very similar, if not, the same.

So let’s begin.

Look and Feel
Given the circumstances that there is competition with this application amongst other “subway” related application, this one actually shines amongst the three that I have used. The look of this application is very nice and it has very clean lines. The rendering of the subway maps when zooming in/out works wonderfully.

Overall, the subway map they use is unique, in comparison, to its competition. How?

For starters, the map is very well defined and clear to see specifically which lines goes where and where it specifically stops. The other applications that I have used, although are also pretty good, the map is a little less to be desired. Of course, if you have nothing else on hand, the “other” maps will suffice. However, once you see this application’s map, it’s a difference between night and day.

Overall, the navigation to one section to another is defined well and I must say, it’s probably going to be my preferred subway map.

What’s so special about this in comparison to others? I knew you were going to ask that.

I’ll digress a bit so you can understand where I am coming from. Currently I have used at least two other “subway” related applications out there.  They both have great reviews, they both were breakthrough applications, in other words, they were the pioneers to have created the first subway application for the iPhone and before this application, they were the only ones to choose from, so it wasn’t fairly easy to see which you want. As far as features were concerned, they relatively did the same thing, had the same features, the biggest difference was the look and feel which boils down to “to each its own.”

So, before this application, it was a no brainer.

Now, “NY Transit Subway” brings another application to the table and they are not kidding when they became a player to compete against the other two subway applications. (On a side note, there are other subway applications out there, not so great, however.)

For starters, they have a VERY clean looking map. It’s different, in comparison to the other two. The “others,” (which I will call them) seems to be a scan of an existing paper map.  Of course, it doesn’t look like it has been scanned, it’s clean and works well but I think it was taking from somewhere else and basically was converted to vector graphic so that the zooming in/out doesn’t get all screwy, especially when you zoom in. Nevertheless, the map that “NY Transit Subway” has is completely different. I won’t assume that it hasn’t been taken from somewhere but what I love about this map is that you can see specifically where these subway lines stop. They got rid of all the other “map” items so that you can see the details of each stop.

So, that’s the map. It’s the first feature that is presented to you when launching the application.

Second, the next two options are “Lines” and “Stations”. Lines basically show you every subway line which has the capability to search a specific line, as well. When you drill down further to any of the lines, you are presented with the “lines” every stop.

Stations, on the other hand, shows you all the “stations”. Wow! Basically, it’s the reverse view of Lines. Select a station that you are at and it will tell you what lines are available at that station. What’s neat about this portion is that when you drill down a line within the station, you are presented with three options.

1. On Map
2. On Google Map
3. Route to

When you select “On Map”, it brings you to the map view and shows you where that specific station is which is highlighted by a red circle.

“On Google Map,” on the other hand, launches Google maps and shows you specifically where that station is as well.

“Route to” is another feature that is very useful. I have done this many times in the past, whereby, I would go up to a person and ask them what’s the best subway to get from the station I’m at to another station, well, ask no more. Route to does this for you and plots it on a map which you can display! That’s pretty neat! However, I will mention, I have been traversing NY forever and I know the best subway lines to take and I noticed that the “Route to” option sometimes is not to keen on the best route. We’ll let’s not say it’s not too keen, let’s just say that there are usually multiple options that you can take at a certain stop. However, this doesn’t present that to you. It would be nice wouldn’t it? *HINT* *HINT*

The second to the last option on the main navigation bar is the “Locate” feature. This is neat. Of course, like the “other” subway applications, this is nothing new. However, I know that I have had many drunken stupors whereby I couldn’t find a subway stop for the life of me and come to think of it, that is how I bought my first subway application, because I couldn’t find a subway after roaming around and around. I think the alcohol didn’t help. Hahaha.

Simply put, the locate features gives you all the tools you need to find and locate the station and provide you the lines that will be available for you to assist you in getting you where you need to be. Yes, it does use the GPS feature of the iPhone.

Last, but not least, the last feature on the navigation bar is the “Route” option. Basically, this section gives you the information you need to get from one station to another, technically, used ahead of time. Within this section, you have the option to change few of the settings such as, toggling, fewest changes, fewest stations and fastest route. I should mention that a neat feature of this section also is that instead of searching specifically which station you want to get a route to and from a list (I know that there is also a search feature which I mentioned above), you can actually bring up the map and select the stations to and from to make life easier if you don’t really know what the name of the station is, instead, just look at the map. Seriously, I never memorized all the stations.

Oh, did I mention, with each route you plan, it will give you an estimate of how long it will take? Fairly accurate, give or take.

So, here we are functionalities up the wazoo! Impressed? I know I am.

Final Word
I guess I should write a final word for this application, if I haven’t convinced you enough from above. It’s worth it. I think it will be the only application that you will need to navigate the subway system in NY. I will assume that the functionalities are similar with the other subway systems that Pressalite developed but please let us know if the experience was different.

I will mention, as a final note that there was a couple things that was lacking from this application that the other subway applications had.

1. Actual times the subway train was expected to arrive at the station. (VERY USEFUL)
2. Advisories (Service Alerts, Delays, etc.)

These two, if implemented within the application (hopefully in future releases), will knock the pants off the other applications. Why? That is because this application is already ahead of itself. Yes, it’s missing a couple components but are not showstoppers. I rarely look at the advisories (I should) and the times, well, it would be helpful.

Once again, on a final final note, they have already achieved leaps and bounds with this application, especially; on their first release (I think it’s the first).  I did come across a few crashes here and there but I’m pretty sure that it will be hammered out in future releases. Seriously, what application never came out with a few crashes here and there? Don’t let that stop you from not getting lost in NYC…again!

Note: As of 01/21/09, as I have written this last paragraph above, they have updated the application again to ensure more stability within the app. Talk about timing.

Quick Take:
Would I Buy Again: Yes
Learning Curve: Medium
Who is it for: Anyone tourist or New Yorker.
What I like: Everything!
What I Don’t: Nothing really, I would like to see time tables of subways and advisories.

Read the Developer's Notes:
New York Transit Subway is a comprehensive guide to traveling through New York (NYC).- Detailed map of New York subway.- Detailed map of all lines in New York.- Precise location of each station on the map (with a red circle), and also on Google Map.- The trip planner tool allows you to find automatically the best route to get to your destination in New York subway. Travel time is also estimated.- Interactive map to choose your stations for the route.- The route planner included in this application does not require a network connection to operate, it works perfectly while in the subway.- The application locates the nearest subway stations from your position in New York.- Updates already in work for this application.Thank you for taking the time to report any bugs or to request an enhancement to New York Transit Subway Application. Feedback is very important to us. We will do our best to answer queries. Email us at [email protected]
O U R  T A K E . . .

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nutsnbolts has written 18 awesome app reviews.