Jennifer’s Touch – Can I get there from here?

On January 21, 2009

Happy Day After Inauguration Day everyone…….  When I last posted I was a bit frustrated with the authorization process between my laptop and iTunes account so I asked for some help.  I received wonderful directions from swimforlife9.  I printed out the step by step directions, posted in the my comments section, so I would have it handy when I sat down to finish the task. I will admit I was a bit scared.  The idea of not succeeding with the worlds simplest directions, and having to admit to all of you,  caused me to lag.

Let me give you a little insight as to why this took my so long to accomplish!  At the same time I was also testing out a new preschool game for review and wanted to include photos in my write up- a big step for me.



I took some pictures on the school digital camera and tried to downloaded them onto my laptop!  Typical of any preschooler, the camera did not listen to l my directions and it sent all 276 pictures to my computer, not just the 6 I wanted!  Oh well, if 6 are good, 276 must be AWESOME!

I was so proud of myself- I had taken on another technical  challenge. I closed up shop for the evening with plans of finishing off the authorizing and the app review the next morning.   I woke up feeling like a big girl,  I went right to the task of authorizing my computer and finishing the review. 

Being me, I was sure it was only going to take me 30 minutes.  What could possible go wrong at this point.

However, my computer was less then happy with the photos crammed into its memory bank and came to a grinding (literally) halt.

I spent an hour last Friday trying to breath new life into the darn thing.  All the while my daughter was breathing down my neck- "you don’t even care that I want to go to the American Girl Doll site.  You just want to use up all my time so I can’t use your computer…." I will spare you all the gory details of a 7 year old little girl!  If you have on of these little charmers of your own you know how it plays out, if not I don’t want to spoil any potential fun for you!

After an hour of fighting with the computer I shut it off and went about my business of the day.  Later that evening I was at my friend Wayne’s house.  He asked if I had authorized the computer and I nicely slid my laptop out of my bag and presented the evidence, with a big smile. Was he surprised? I dunno, but after about an hour of hard work the photos were gone but now he and the computer was grinding and growling.  Wayne persevered,  and he was able to get my computer authorized while I was sitting there taking notes.  I feel confident that I could have accomplished the task had the computer not gone on shutdown. 

I am now authorized but have yet to download any music or anything from iTunes except the free apps. Baby steps my friends, baby steps.

But, as I sit here today I am amazed at how far I have come.  Just 2 months ago I did not even know how to turn the Touch on, never mind use it. I could not even fathom what I was I was going to do with it other then watch movies.

My next big step will be to get all my contacts from my laptop to my iPod  I had never thought about that til today, but I am home sick and don’t feel well enough to be sitting up typing, but I have so much to get done.  AH an answer to my prayers- I grabbed my touch with plans of firing off a bunch of emails for work. 

It only took me 2 minutes to realize I only have 3 contacts on the Touch, none of which I need for work!

I am thinking there must be a way to get the contacts from my computer to my Touch without typing them all in.  Is this possible for a Windows user to sync contacts to an iPod?   If so, how would I go about conquering this beast?