10 Useful Links about the iPhone OS 3.0 Preview for Developers
Today, Apple held an iPhone OS 3.0 Preview event for developers and the press. The upgrade itself won’t be available to end users until summer so as a developer you’re looking at a minimum 3 month lead time to develop updates and new products based around the new features. This hasn’t stopped the blogosphere going crazy with the news, however, so we’ve collected together some of the best links for you to catch up on:
Watch the event itself: You can watch a stream of the iPhone OS 3.0 event on Apple’s site.
Get the new SDK: Naturally, Apple has its own page with a very brief summary of the new SDK features with a link through the usual place to get the new SDK. Be alert, though, as I’ve seen reports overnight on Twitter saying that installing the 3.0 SDK will lock your phone into testing mode, mirroring what it says in the Pre-Installation Advisory. Others suggest you can “work around” this with DFU mode. Basically, be careful out there – this could all well be wrong so don’t shoot the messenger 😉
A giant overview of all the new features: Gizmodo has put together a great “everything you need to know” post about iPhone OS 3.0. Lots of pictures and nice terse explanations, including new features like cut and paste, peer to peer BlueTooth, 3G tethering support, search support..
Overview of apps using new features: As usual, Apple has teamed up with a select number of developers to produce apps using the new features already. Gizmodo presents a brief summary of each. Highlights include the ability to purchase items within a Sims game and using background notifications in a sports news app.
Jailbreaking news: We’re not suggesting you should be jailbreaking, of course, but the “Dev Team” has announced that it’ll be possible with iPhone OS 3.0. They do say though that you shouldn’t load the OS 3.0 beta if you want to keep using “YellowSn0w” whatever that is.
See some screenshots: Jeremy Horwitz has posted some screenshots from an iPod Touch (2nd generation) running the iPhone OS 3.0 software, including a look at copy and paste.
Opinions: Mel Martin of The Unofficial Apple Weblog likes the new features. MacRumors has posted an overview of the new features and received a rather staggering 698 comments (and counting!) so far – mostly positive too.
very useful , thanks for sharing, to create a iPhone APP is getting popular.
Thanks for all the great resources.
Point an iPhone/iTouch with 3.0 installed at https://people.rit.edu/~acjvks/wadfip/location/js/v1/
to see the new built in location capabilities of Mobile Safari.