How Rank Correlates to Sales: Top 50 means 1000 Sales per Day

On December 21, 2008

ifart.png Infomedia is the developer of iFart Mobile, an iPhone app that you can use to make farting noises. In just over a week of sales, iFart has done very well, going from #70 within the Entertainment section to becoming the 4th most popular app overall! Two days ago, Joel Comm (a popular Internet marketing expert in his own right) of Infomedia shared the sales figures for iFart along with the rankings. Then today he followed up with extra figures for today and yesterday.

Focusing solely on the ranking within the Entertainment category (see the blog posts above for more detailed info), the results are:

Date Rank in Entertainment Daily Sales
Dec 12 70 75
Dec 13 16 296
Dec 14 8 841
Dec 15 5 1510
Dec 16 3 1797
Dec 17 3 2836
Dec 18 3 3086
Dec 19 2 3117
Dec 20 2 5497

Currently the border in rankings necessary to reach 1000 sales per day is between 76th and 39th overall in the App Store going off of Joel’s extended numbers so, roughly but considering the distribution, apps at #50 or above are probably selling 1000 units per day or more.

As an aside: As a 99 cent app and after Apple’s 30% commission, this means iFart has raked in $13,205 for Infomedia over 9 days.

0 responses to “How Rank Correlates to Sales: Top 50 means 1000 Sales per Day”

  1. I really don’t understand the numbers. Apple is providing a hitlist for every country and iFart Mobile could be ranked in other country differently. I assume he is referring to the US Store. But according Joel’s post he is summing up the figures of all significant countries. This seems not to be correct. Maybe I am wrong and I overlooked something. Can somebody clarify?

  2. Peter Cooper says:

    Yeah, I was thinking that this morning. iFart isn’t a top 10 app in the UK – or wasn’t as of yesterday.

  3. dizzy says:

    It’s now #1 in the US store, guess whenever I finally get started on my first app I should do something related to a bodily function

  4. civax says:

    $29,167 over 11 days, if to take into account the final data Joel had published.

  5. Wow, that is amazing! Article is a year old, is the ratio still the same with the influx of iphone apps that have flooded the appstore?

    I jumped from #140 to #58 in less than 48 hours, I am curious to see how that converts to sales. Thanks for the informative write up! 🙂