Payday Roulette – Review

On December 31, 2008

App Type: Uncategorized

Payday Roulette – Review

Our rating:

By: Veiled Games Corporation

Version #: 1.0

Date Released: 2008-10-08


Price: 0.99

User Rating:

It’s payday. Your taxes, loans and other deductions amount to almost half of your gross salary. So what better thing to do with your net than take it to the casino, right? But you’d have to drive two hours and 45 minutes to get to do some serious gambling, and gas prices are not in agreement with your plight, to say the least. So just go with the next best thing. Whip out the iPhone you’ve been considering to pawn lately, tap on the Payday Roulette icon, and bet and spin like there’s no tomorrow. The good thing about this? You won’t be losing a penny. The bad thing? You won’t be winning any either. But it will definitely make you forget about your measly pay for as long as you want.

Save for placing a bet on whether a colleague could last three days without a girlfriend, I’ve never gambled a day in my life, let alone play Roulette. But after learning the basics of the game and terribly enjoying Payday Roulette, I think I might be paying a visit to the casino very soon. Kidding.

The game is played in magnificent landscape mode, initially showing the betting area. Place any kind of bet by dragging a chip into the spot on the table that corresponds to your desired bet. Then tap the partially shown wheel on the right to view it in its entirety, drag it to spin it, and finally drag the ball to start the round. Then the wheel stops spinning and the ball lands on a number and a wicked bit of ‘camerawork’ takes place. Thus an attempt at an alliteration about app: amazing animation! Then the betting area is again brought to view and you know what to do.

The app defaults at Casino mode, which makes use of casino-style payouts, but an Easy mode, where the house edge is lowered, can be enabled. Tap on the ‘i’ at the lower-left corner while in the betting area to change the mode, as well as to reset your funds and view the Help section.

With its awesome visuals, realistic gameplay and other fantastic features,  this app is a must-buy, payday or no payday.

Quick Take

Value: Medium
Would I Buy Again: You bet.
Learning Curve: Low
Who Is It For: People with low-paying jobs. This is, after all, "the game that job dissatisfaction built." But those at the opposite, upper arc are also welcome.
What I Like: Topnotch design
What I Don’t: None at all

Final Statement: The probability of Payday Roulette being the best app of its kind is the same as that of the iPhone being the best gadget of any kind: high.

Read the Developer's Notes:
Welcome to the first of many distractions from Veiled Games. Featuring vibrant graphics and lifelike control, this roulette simulator is about as good as you can get in the“spin a wheel and hope” game category.The highlight of Payday Roulette is the wheel itself. Using the iPhone’s touch screen, you actually get to grab the wheel and spin it yourself.FEATURES:- Gorgeous, lifelike graphics that reaffirm your faith in humanity.- Grab the roulette wheel and actually spin it! These are exciting times, friend.- Pavlovian sound effects that keep you salivating for more fake money.- Dynamic camera that follows the spinning ball, sending out peace vibrations.- Casino style payouts, and optional "easy mode" with more statistically fair winnings.- Innovative, helpful display that illuminates winning numbers.Visit our website,, for more info, game play video, and a behind the scenes blog!
O U R   T A K E . . .

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