I Touched The iTouch More & More – And I liked it.


On December 1, 2008

Time is definitely one of those things in life that are relative. During certain activities time moves exceptionally slowly. During other activities, such as vacations, time flies by.

So it is that a week of vacation comes to an end before it even feels like it began. After a week out of the northeast’s cold who am I to complain though.

Although I brought both my iPhone and one of the new HP MiniNote 1000 netbooks with me, my primary device ended up being my Touch.

I didn’t plan it that way. In fact, I picked up the netbook the day before the trip because I planned to use it as my primary device. I ended up using the Touch most of the time though and it gave me a bit more insight into the device than I had before. In the process it convinced me even more that the device is excellent and has the potential to be even better.

So why, if I had a netbook with me did the Touch get so much more use than I expected?

How Much Are Contracted iPhone Developers Earning? $100-200 Per Hour


On November 30, 2008

Last week, Raven Zachary wrote Turning Ideas into iPhone Applications, a post about the “significant gap between individuals with ideas and those who are actually capable of turning the ideas into iPhone applications.” Zachary notes that the supply of iPhone developers is significantly lower than the demand – primarily because the iPhone is still a […]

Hot apps

  • Elemelons Icon

    By: Andrea Probst

    Version: 1.0

    Category: Apps, iPhone

    Date: 2016-06-24

    Price: free

    Our rating:

  • Privates! Icon

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    Version: 1.2

    Category: Apps, iPhone Apps

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  • Did I See U - Free Dating App Icon

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  • AirParrot Remote Icon

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You Light Up My Life



 You just never know when an iPod Touch and a simple little app will come in handy. Tonight was a good example…

Iconic Notes – Review



By: Iconic Notes

Version: 1.0

Category: Uncategorized

Date: 2008-11-28

Price: 4.99


Speed Brain – Review



By: Speed Brain

Version: 1.0

Category: Uncategorized

Date: 2008-11-23

Price: 0.99


CastCatcher Internet Radio – Review


On November 29, 2008

CastCatcher Internet Radio

By: return7, LLC

Version: 1.0

Category: Uncategorized

Date: 2008-09-10

Price: 2.99


Alarm Clocks – Which One Should You Use?



The minute I first got a cell phone ages ago and noticed the large clock in the center of the screen, I abandoned the concept of ever wearing wristwatches ever again.  Since I need to carry around a cell phone anyway which clearly displayed the time, it meant only one thing to forget rather than two (of course, that also means that if you lose one, you lose both).  Taking that idea to the iPhone and/or the iPod Touch, there are a myriad of clock applications available that are either free or cheap (the most expensive I found was 99 cents).

iTouch Mic-In Makes The Difference


On November 28, 2008

A quick note to developers-

Thanks to the firmware 2.2 upgrade the  second geneeation iPod Touch has audio-in so long as a microphone is plugged in. That means a few things.
It means that WebIS’s excellent Note2Self voice note recorder now works fully on the Touch.

It means that if I can ever get Fring and  Nimbuzz working properly with SkypeOut the Touch will become a nifty little VOIP handset.

It means that apps that can’t even be loaded onto the Touch due to it’s lack of a mic (yes Jott I’m talking to you) and apps that load but in a limited format that excludes voice note (hello ReQall) need to rework their apps and issue updates.

Firmware 2.2 and it’s mic line-in is a potentially huge going for users of the iPod Touch and I hope developers recognize the fact sooner rather than later. 

ON SALE – The Appstore



It’s Black Friday and the deals aren’t just on tangible items. That’s right, many iPhone apps are currently free or deeply discounted. So as a public service, we thought we would offer a list of just a few you might want to grab today. Even if you don’t want them right this instant, some of them might be worth getting now before prices change. And if you happen to have others worth noting please help out your fellow WOiP readers by sharing in the comments section.

2079- this space shootem up game is only $.99 normally but today it’s free. That makes grabbing it even more worthwhile.

BeejiveIM- our favorite im client goes for a wopping $15.99. That’s a lot of money in iPhone app terms. Yet it is so good that it is actually worth it. Add to that the fact that it is just $9.99 today and this is one app worth grabbing today.

ACTPrintet let’s mac users "print" documents directly to their iPhone and iPod Touch. Normally $.99 the app is free today. Grab it.

CastCatcher Radio- like the RadioBox app we reviewed, CastCatcher radio let’s you grab a variety of Internet radio stations via a nice, easy to use interface. Normally $3.99 it is just $.99 today. Since you never know when you’ll wipe put all your music on the first day of vacation (trust me, I know) it can’t hurt to have it available.

Have other suggestions? Let us know. 

Internet RadioBOX – Review



By: Internet RadioBOX

Version: 1.0

Category: Uncategorized

Date: 2008-10-12

Price: 4.99
