iPod Touch Firmware 2.1 Available For download


On September 10, 2008

While the new 2.1 iPhone firmware will be coming this Friday the update is already available for download on iTunes.

It is downloading now (all 239.6 MB of it) and we’ll let you know what, if anything changes in a bit.

To get it yourself plug you Touch into iTunes and click "Check For Update"

UPDATE: It took a few trice and restarting my Touch but the update loaded finally.

UPDATE: Backup is SUPER fast! Seriously… faaaast. Took a few seconds to accomplish what took half an hour previously.

UPDATE: UpdateAll is still missing!

App Update: Evernote 1.3


On September 9, 2008

Evernote just got a bump up to version 1.3 and great keeps getting… greater-er!!

In addition to bug fixes and numerous UI improvements, Version 1.3 adds the ability to-

Upcoming App – Appigo’s Notebook


On September 8, 2008

I am a huge fan of Toodledo and Appigo’s ToDo iPhone app that seemlessly integrates with it. As I posted previously, Appigo has been continually updating ToDo with the most recent revision released early this morning. Toodledo is a Web 2.0 task manager that has received rave reviews from many and ToDo not only extends it to the iPhone but also offers something Toodledo does not- device resident storage of information.

I have gone back and forth between ToDo, OmniFocus and Things and have FINALLY settled on ToDo. This most recent update puts it light years ahead of everyone else. (That is another series of posts for later this week.) Best of all, there is even more to come!

Toodledo recently added a Notebook feature to Toodledo for saving notes that aren’t exactly tasks but belong in the same place from a storage and access perspective. Add to that the fact that the $29.95 per year Pro Plus version of Toodledo offers up to a gigabyte of storage and you have an increasingly powerful task and note solution.

Unfortunately, among the features missing from ToDo’s iPhone integration was access to data stored there. That is no longer the case (or at least soon won’t be.)

App Update: ToDo



One of the best task management apps available on the App Store just got a huge update.

Appigo’s ToDo is a powerful task management app that syncs seemlessly with both RememberTheMilk and Toodledo.

It was excellent before the update but is even better now. More than a "point" update, the move from version 1.1 to version 1.2 makes the application exponentially more useful.

The update to version 1.2 includes bug fixes but a whole lot more, such as–

You Asked For It… Direct Links To The App Store



You read about an app. It looks great. We love it. You want it. Yup, Apple is about to get a bit more of your hard earned cash.So you click the link in the review and are taken right to the app’s place in the iTunes App Store. What could be easier!?!?We’ve been asked for a quick way to jump right from a review to the App Store. Beginning with today’s apps you’ll be able to do just that. And it is just in time. Once you read Dimitri’s upcoming review of Spore you’ll definitely want to buy it! WOiP reader "soundsgoodtome" doesn’t have to though, ’cause we’re sending it to him as a gift. Thanks for the feedback soundsgoodtome!


App Update – eWallet Gains Sync



While it won’t benefit those of us who have made the move to Mac, Ilium has just released a new version of their amazing eWallet program that brings full syncronization with the add-on Windows desktop version (6.1.2).

The new version of eWallet can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.

The Desktop version can be found on Ilium’s site here.

Censorship 101- The Apple Primer



I’m not a fan of censorship, but there was something that was particularly bugging me about Apple’s decision to reject the apps "iFartz" and "Pull My Finger" based upon the argument that they are of “limited utility”.

 As TUAW points out Koi Pond (both an App Store and personal favorite) has little or no more “utility”. As they put it–

While "Pull My Finger" would probably not meet "Koi Pond" levels of user reach, it could have a solid audience. It’s a simple, stupid joke app but it’s the kind of simple, stupid joke app that a lot of people would download and use because people like simple, stupid joke apps.

So let’s agree that “limited utility” was just a convenient way of saying- “We don’t want fart apps in the App Store”.

Now I’m not particularly draw to that kind of stupid, sophomoric humor. I don’t find it funny and I would not buy either of those apps- not even to review for this site. Moreover, it is Apple’s right not to carry particular apps, I suppose. It is their store and they can choose to carry or not carry whatever apps they want.

Unlike a Public Library (where I have a huge issue when a small group tries to impose their standards of censorship on the entire populous) the App Store belongs to Apple and they can choose what they do with it. (It is why, in part, no one said "Boo" when Apple clearly stated right away that pornographic apps would not be allowed.)

So Apple rejecting certain apps doesn’t really bug me. There are things that bug me about the decision, though.

Follow-Up- Tuesday’s Event Looking Bigger and Better


On September 7, 2008

It is looking increasingly likely that Tuesday will be a big day with regard to what’s on our iPhones and iPod Touchs.

First up, it is looking like Tuesday is iTunes 8 Day. Among other goodies iTunes version 8 is said  bring a Pandora-like recommendation mode. As huge fans of Pandora’s "intelligent" stations we love the idea!

That’s nothing compared to the second improvement that is looking increasingly likely.

iPod Touch- Not Just For The Young



NOTE: Jim is the newest member of the WOiP team. New to the iPod Touch, these are some of Jim’s initial thoughts as he has started to get familiar with this incredible device.

Being a senior citizen doesn’t necessarily mean that you are technically challenged. Being a professional musician doesn’t mean you hate computers even though their presence has drastically altered the business of music forever. Apple computers and programs written for them have changed the face of how music has been produced.

The Apple iPhone stunned the world with the beauty of it’s design and innovative features. As the second generation of the iPhone has arrived and a new Touch is expected tomorrow. I have gotten my first opportunity to explore this communication phenomenon.

Will iPhone 2.1 Bring Some Surprise Treats???


On September 6, 2008

You always have to be skeptical of a post that starts with the words

"another little birdie told us…"

but a post over on ars technica (one of my favorite tech sites) certainly caught my eye today.

The posts reports that this Tuesday’s Apple event may be a bit more iPhone-esque than many of us expected. As they put it

"…it’s widely expected within some Apple circles that iPhone 2.1 will be released…" 

Good news… or at least good rumor.

But what… there’s more